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FRAM Chenin blanc 2015 6 X 750 ml


6 x 750 ml

A selection of three vineyards whose path crossed only once.
The backbone from the Stagmanskop vineyard in the Piekenierskloof, combined  witha  vineyard from Kaapzicht on the Bottelary hills and Rooidraai farm in the Swartland just outside of Malmesbury.

Like the A-team, but one less player in the team.

5 Stars in Platter

Also one of the top 5 (95/100) on the Decanter Panel tasting of South African Chenin blanc wines done in the middle of 2017.

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SKU: FR23CBSTAG-2 Category:

Additional information

Weight 1.35 kg
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 31 cm